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  • Dormitories and Canteens

Registration, ordering and serving


All information regarding registration will be provided by the canteen cashier - contact here.

Ordering meals

f you are not registered in the Menza dining system, you can purchase a one-time meal voucher at the Menza cashier on the current day – only for freely available meals (non-order meal no. 1, soup, pizzas, quick meals).

If you are registered in the dining system, you can order meals at the ordering boxes in the corridors in front of the dining rooms or from anywhere on the internet at: (no later than 2 PM on the previous working day).

Instructions for ordering meals online can be found here…

When ordering via the terminal on the ground floor of the canteen building, you need to confirm the order by re-attaching the card.

Serving meals

The ordered meal will be served by attaching your dining card to the serving terminal or the reader at the cashier in the serving area. You can request a non-order meal from the staff and pay by attaching the card to the terminal or reader at the cashier, or by handing over a one-time meal voucher.


Koleje a Menzy
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Studentská 1409/21
370 05 České Budějovice
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IČ:     60076658
DIČ:  CZ60076658

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05
České Budějovice
Tel.+420 389 032 191 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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