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  • Dormitories and Canteens

The USB canteen serves mainly for catering of JU students and employees. The main canteen can accommodate up to 400 diners at a time. For a quieter seating, a separate dining room next door can be used. On the ground floor of the building we offer seating for 200 people. In the building of the Faculty of Theology in Kněžská Street in the city centre there is a separate dining room with 120 seats. We have another canteen in the Faculty of Health and Social Scieces building in J. Borecký Street with a capacity of 110 seats.
Last but not least, we would be happy to welcome you in the CAFÉ AK in the academic library building and also in the JU Café in the main canteen building.

On weekdays, breakfast, lunch, diets, mince pies, pizzas, dinners, fresh salads, baguettes and more are served. Breakfasts, lunches, diets and dinners can be ordered no later than one business day in advance by 2 pm. All other meals and lunches may be taken on site without advance ordering, and are limited until each second meal is sold out. You pay at the point of pick up on the touch screen or at the cashier.

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Assortment and price list of meals

The following types of meals are available in the JU canteen - breakfast, lunch, diet and dinner. We also offer pizzas, mince pies, soups, bagels and various extras. All meals can always be ordered the day before by 2 pm, and dinners by 9 pm the same day.

Click for price list HERE.

The system recognizes JU students and staff and other diners. Different prices are set according to this classification. A supplementary range of salads, desserts, soups, etc. is available for all at uniform prices. The price according to the cost of food is calculated from the actual cost and subsidies and allowances for the said food.
Prices include VAT.
Other registered boarders means boarders registered in the catering system of the JU canteens and regularly eating.
For takeaway meals and meals for other non-resident boarders, prices are negotiable.

Photos of dishes

  • Vyber 2

  • Vyber 3

  • Vyber 5

  • Vyber 7

  • Vyber 1

  • Vyber 8

  • Vyber 10

  • Vyber 4

  • Vyber 6

  • Vyber 9

For employees

Important documents and links, that your may need for your work at University of South Bohemia

Documents and forms

Here you can find access to documents and forms. Some of them require login to the portal.

Important links


The University provides you with the following employment benefits:

  • 5 weeks vacation
  • Subsidized meals
  • Cambridge exams in the USB British Center - a discount of CZK 400 for employees and students. The agreement on discount for exams concluded between the British Council and USB is valid until December 2019. You can get information from the British Center of USB - phone: 387 311 166, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Favored banking services at ČSOB

Lifelong learning

Course offers for the general public, including conditions and contacts, can be found on the Lifelong Education website.

Katedra regionálního managementu
a práva

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra justo commodo.

About us

Dormitories and refectories are part of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and provide accommodation, meals and other services to students, employees and the general public.

The accommodation capacity of the University consists of four buildings K1 to K4 on the campus of the university in Čtyři Dvory, as well as dormitory K5 in the neighborhood of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences on the edge of the Vltava housing estate.

During the academic year, the dormitories are fully used to accommodate university students, outside of that they are used for hotel accommodation. On the campus you will also find the refectory of the University of South Bohemia with the main and student dining rooms. We have other refectories in the city center in Kněžská Street, in the building of the Faculty of Theology of the USB, and in addition one more next to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences building in Boreckého Street on the left bank of the Vltava, on the edge of the Vltava housing estate. They all offer quality food at a very affordable price. We will be happy to offer you very good and affordable catering services.

Katedra regionálního managementu
a práva

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean euismod bibendum laoreet. Proin gravida dolor sit amet lacus accumsan et viverra justo commodo.

Payments for meals

The USB Refectory allows you to pay in the following ways:

Payment in refectory

Possibility of payment in cash or by credit card at the cash desk of the main refectory, theological faculty, K5 dormitory, in the JU Café and in the AL buffet (academic library).


Please enter a direct debit authorization for account 171927476/0300 at your bank. Submit the completed form at the refectory cashier.

On the 15th of the month, the canteen evaluates the actual status of the meal account and compares it with the entered maximum amount. This difference represents the amount for all orders since the last payment, and your account will be automatically topped up cashless within a few days by this amount. If the difference is less than the minimum amount set by you, the collection will not be carried out. In this way, you will be guaranteed that your account will be in a sufficient amount on the 20th of every month. When interrupting or ending meals, request cancellation of the direct debit from the bank.

A payment order to account 171927476/0300 or a standing order can only be used if you correctly fill in the variable symbol - the number of your boarder card.

By invoice with contractual customers


Koleje a Menzy
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Studentská 1409/21
370 05 České Budějovice
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IČ:     60076658
DIČ:  CZ60076658

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05
České Budějovice
Tel.+420 389 032 191 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
© 2020 University of South Bohemia